Gallery 1.

Ink, Watercolour and Freehand Embroidery. Image 49 x41 cm

Ink. Watercolour, Freehand Embroidery and Piercing. Image 49 x 22 cm.

Ink, Watercolour and Freehand Machine Embroidery. Image 48 x 33 cm.

Ink, Water colour and freehand embroidery. Image 40 x 30 cm.

Ink and Watercolour. Collage and Freehand Machine Embroidery. Image 26 x 16 cm.

Ink and Watercolour.Stitched. Image 40 x 15 cm. Sold.

Ink and watercolour. Stitched. Image 40 x15 cm.

Watercolour. Freehand Machine Embroidery. Image 35 x 25 cm.

Water colour, Freehand Machine Embroidery and Hand Embroidery. Sold.

Flower painting, homage to the novel by D.H. Lawrence. Ink,Watercolour and Stitching. Image 66 x 55 cm.
Janes work incorporates complex and intricate layers of imagery and pattern. She embraces a variety of techniques. Inspired by the style of antique, engraved tinted botanical drawings, she draws and paints in ink and watercolour to record her imagery and then uses stitch to create texture, which almost has the effect of turning the paper back to cloth. It is the interplay between the different media that produces a unique quality.